| SL

Čuječe žalovanje - intervencije za bližnje po samomoru / Mindful Bereavement - interventions for suicide survivors



Čuječe žalovanje - intervencije za bližnje po samomoru / Mindful Bereavement - interventions for suicide survivors






(SI) Študija temelji na evalvaciji pilotne intervencije Na čuječnosti temelječa podpora žalovanju (ali mindfulness-based grief-support ali MBGS). Temelji na spoznanjih 8-tedenskega programa na-čuječnosti temelječe kognitivne terapije (MBCT). V okviru tega bomo znotraj intervencije razvili set poglobljenih diskusij in vprašanj, o doživljanju udeležencev. Teme se bodo dotikale ključnih področij doživljanja sebe in smrti pokojnika in bodo temeljila na Modelu rastoče rože (Poštuvan, 2014), ki podaja celostno razumevanje procesa reintegracije po samomoru. Prav tako bomo naslovili evalviranje intervencijskih postopkov (tudi s kvantitativnimi metodami).  
Predlagana študija povezuje spoznanja psihoterapevstke stroke – še posebej temelječe na čuječnosti – s psihologijo, suicidologijo in postvencijskimi intervencijami. Na ta način predstavlja izviren način reševanja aktualnih težav. Omogoča pa tudi vpeljavo utemeljenih intervencij, ki bi se lahko izkazale kot časovno in ekonomsko upravičene. Ustrezna podpora ob žalovanja lahko namreč doprinese k zmanjšanju stisk, manj bolniških odsotnosti in k boljšemu preprečevanju samomorilnega vedenja v celotni družbi, saj krepi zdravje žalujočih in spreminja stališča do samomora.
(EN) The study is based on the evaluation of the pilot intervention on mindfulness-based grief support (or MBGS). It is based on the findings of an 8-week program in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). In this context, we developed a set of interventions within the intervention in-depth discussions about the experience of the participants. Themes will be touched upon key areas that participants experience around the death, and will be based on the Growing flower model (Poštuvan, 2014), which gives an overall understanding of the process of reintegration after the suicide. We will also address the evaluation of the intervention (including quantitative methods).
The proposed study links the knowledge of psychotherapeutic profession – especially based on mindfulness – with psychology, suicidology, and postvention interventions. In this manner, it represents an original way of solving the current problems. Furthermore, it enables the introduction of compelling interventions, which may prove timely and economically justifiable. Adequate support in bereavement can contribute to the reduction of distress, less absenteeism, and to improved prevention of suicidal behaviour in the whole society as it strengthens the health of the bereaved and changes the attitudes toward suicide.

Vrsta projekta

Project Type

Podoktorski projekt



01/01/2016 - 30/06/2018




Vodja projekta

Project Leader

Vita Poštuvan

Sodelujoče organizacije

Participating organizations




Slovenski center za raziskovanje samomora IAM
University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

tel.: +386 (0)5 611 75 91
fax.: +386 (0)5 611 75 92
e-mail: info@iam.upr.si
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